About the Journal
Kunduz University Journal of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences KUIJIS (e-ISSN 3078-3895) is an international peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by Kunduz University. The journal welcomes the submission of Original articles, Short communications, Invited review articles, and Letters to the Editor that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence in all fields of Islamic studies and social sciences.
Fields of interest are Islamic culture, Jurisprudence and law, Islamic education, English language literature, Persian language and literature, Pashto language and literature, Geography, History, Psychology, Physical Education, Judicial and Prosecution, Administration and Diplomacy, National Economy and Finance and Banking.
We also accept papers on novel approaches that could advance experimental work in the above-listed areas. Within four to six weeks of submission, we want to notify authors of the initial decision on their manuscript or manuscripts.
Aim and Scope:
The primary areas of study for the Kunduz University International Journal of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences (Kuijis) are Islamic culture, Jurisprudence and law, Islamic education, English language literature, Persian language and literature, Pashto language and literature, Geography, History, Psychology, Physical Education, Judicial & Prosecution, Administration and Diplomacy, National Economy and Finance and Banking. The mission of Kuijis is to disseminate research findings from scholars in pertinent fields, widen the scope of relevant issues facing the community of Afghanistan, and draw attention to them from across the world. Researchers and academics have the chance to accumulate their knowledge in an organized way using Kuijis. Kuijis is still available for in-depth examination, growth, and improvement. More significantly, Kuijis provides an opportunity for academic discussions regarding scientific issues in Afghanistan and worldwide.
Peer Review Process
Peer review is defined as subjecting an author’s scholarly work or research articles to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field. Peer review functions to encourage authors to meet the accepted high standards of their discipline and to ensure that unwarranted claims, unacceptable interpretations, or personal views are not published without prior expert review. Kuijis strives to provide the fairest double-blind peer review system and the best possible service to authors.